The 10 government trends reshaping the post-pandemic world

In 2022, governments around the world are focusing on becoming future-ready in the aftermath of the pandemic. Despite hopes for a return to normalcy, many countries are still grappling with the ongoing challenges posed by the virus. The pandemic has not only resulted in a health crisis but has also caused significant economic disruption and increased demands for social support.

The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) emphasizes that governments must respond to future crises with speed and efficiency while maintaining trust and transparency. As the pandemic slowly subsides, governments are now shifting their attention toward building resilience and preparing for the future. This year, Government Trends 2023 explores ten key trends that can be grouped into three themes: building resilience, integrating for results, and government for all the people. These trends reflect the efforts of governments to address the unique challenges brought about by the pandemic and ensure a better future for their nations.

10 government trends to keep an eye on  

So, what exactly makes a trend a trend? Well, for starters, a trend needs to be happening in multiple governments around the world. It can’t be just a one-off occurrence. It has to have relevance and impact on governments and economies of different sizes. Whether it’s a small country or a large one, the trend should be applicable and meaningful.

Another important aspect is that a trend should have moved beyond small experimental pilots. It should have made its way into the core operations of the government. In other words, it needs to be more than just a test run or a limited trial.

However, at the same time, a trend shouldn’t be fully mature or universally practiced yet. It should still be in the emerging stage, showing signs of growth and development. That way, there’s room for further exploration and improvement.

Theme: Building Resilience

Trend 1: Climate-Resilient Government: Addressing Climate Change

Governments across the globe are placing increasing importance on climate resilience as they recognize the urgent need for climate action. Climate change has become a top priority for government leaders, even extending to agencies not traditionally focused on environmental matters. For instance, city planners are harnessing the power of data analytics to proactively prepare for climate-induced disruptions.

To tackle the challenges posed by climate change, governments are investing significantly in resilient infrastructure. This includes strengthening communities’ capacity to withstand extreme weather events and ensuring that marginalized and disadvantaged communities receive support in addressing climate-related risks. The aim is to prevent vulnerable populations from bearing the burden alone.

This trend reflects governments’ recognition of the long-term nature of building resilience. While the pandemic has highlighted the importance of resilience, governments are also addressing other disruptive forces such as technological shifts, economic disruptions, and supply chain issues. By prioritizing climate resilience, governments are taking proactive steps to protect their communities and ensure a sustainable future.

Trend 2: Reshoring and “Friendshoring” Supply Chains: Boosting Economic Resilience

Governments are actively addressing the challenges posed by supply chain problems, which have caused shortages and affected suppliers and consumers alike. To combat these issues, they are adopting two strategies: reshoring and “friend-shoring.”

Reshoring involves bringing production and manufacturing back to domestic or local markets, aiming to reduce reliance on external sources and enhance economic resilience. However, when reshoring isn’t feasible, governments turn to “friend-shoring.” This approach involves building networks of trusted suppliers from friendly nations to establish a more secure and reliable supply chain, even through international cooperation.

The primary objective of reshoring and friendshoring is to strengthen supply chains, making them more resilient and less susceptible to disruptions. Governments are taking proactive measures to ensure a steady flow of essential goods while minimizing the risks associated with overdependence on external suppliers.

This trend signifies a shift towards self-sufficiency and increased collaboration among nations to bolster economic resilience. Striking the right balance between domestic production and international partnerships becomes crucial to safeguarding access to critical resources.

Trend 3: Future-proofing the Labor Force: Empowering Adaptive Workers

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the labor force, but even before that, quick technological advancements were upending the labour market. This led to a skills mismatch and a gap between job demands and available talent. As a result, labor force participation rates are dropping and employee stress is on the rise, sparking what some call the “great resignation.”

In response, governments are stepping up to align labor policies with this new reality and improve the efficiency of the job market. They’re focusing on education, skills training, credentialing, and employment frameworks. The aim is to equip workers with the right skills and adaptability to thrive amidst technological changes and economic shifts.

The goal is clear: prepare workers for the future by ensuring they have the tools to succeed in an ever-evolving job landscape. Governments are determined to future-proof their economies by empowering an adaptive workforce.

Theme: Connected for greater value

Trend 4: Linked-up government: Building Connections for more significant impact

Governments are transforming their agency structures to overcome the limitations hindering their ability to address critical problems effectively. By breaking down silos and fostering interagency collaboration, governments aim to respond more efficiently to complex societal issues that transcend traditional departmental boundaries. This shift, known as “silo-hacking,” relies on data-sharing as a crucial element that connects different agencies. By sharing information and resources, governments can provide integrated services, achieve collective results, and meet rising public expectations for more interconnected solutions.

Furthermore, governments are acting as catalysts in the innovation ecosystem, fostering collaboration and inclusive problem-solving. They are creating environments that encourage cross-sector partnerships and knowledge exchange, leveraging the collective intelligence of diverse stakeholders to tackle complex challenges effectively.

In addition to domestic efforts, international collaborations are gaining momentum to enhance global preparedness for future health disruptions. By sharing information, best practices, and resources, these collaborations aim to strengthen global resilience and response capabilities.

Trend 5: Data-fueled government: Breaking down silos with turbo-charged data

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the critical importance of data sharing. To facilitate effective data collaboration, governments are recognizing the need for robust infrastructure, such as cloud-based systems and advanced data management tools. Simply emailing spreadsheets is no longer sufficient. In response, many agencies have created a new role within their organizations: the chief data officer. This trend emphasizes the value of data sharing and collaboration, aiming to harness the full potential of shared data to derive greater benefits. By breaking down data silos and implementing modern data management practices, governments can enhance their decision-making processes, improve service delivery, and address complex societal challenges more effectively.

Trend 6: Government as Catalyst: Driving innovation ecosystems

Government entities are shifting their approach from solely solving public problems to playing a catalytic role in driving innovation ecosystems. Recognizing that they don’t have to tackle every challenge alone, governments are leveraging their influence to facilitate innovation in various ways. They can act as enablers by creating favorable conditions for innovation to thrive, serving as funders to support research and development initiatives, convening diverse stakeholders to foster collaboration, or acting as ecosystem integrators to connect external innovation capabilities with public problem solvers. By embracing these roles, governments can accelerate the adoption of solutions, promote the advancement of next-generation technologies, and facilitate impactful societal change.

Trend 7: New era of global public health partnerships: Collaborating for better health preparedness

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the interconnected nature of our world and the increased risk of global pathogen transmission. However, it also demonstrated the power of collaboration and collective responsibility in addressing crises of immense magnitude. With growing digitization, international partnerships and collaborations are gaining traction to enhance global preparedness for future health disruptions. Governments are increasingly engaging with international organizations to establish early warning systems, expedite scientific research and development, and strengthen healthcare capabilities in less developed nations. These collaborative efforts aim to foster a collective approach to public health, leveraging shared knowledge, resources, and expertise to improve global preparedness and response to emerging health challenges. By working together, governments and international organizations can build a more resilient and coordinated global health system that is better equipped to mitigate the impact of future health crises.

Theme: Government for all the people

Trend 8: Digital access for all: Equity in digital service delivery

The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in government services. As governments shifted their services online, the need to improve digital access became evident. Ensuring equitable access to digital connectivity and tools is crucial, especially considering that a significant portion of the global population still lacks internet access. Governments are actively addressing the digital divide by focusing on improving the availability, affordability, and adoption of digital services. They are also redesigning digital platforms, ecosystems, and infrastructure to ensure that disadvantaged communities can access vital services and social care programs.

Trend 9: Designing for inclusive engagement: Digital communications for richer community connection

Effective communication is essential for government programs to succeed and build trust among the public. Governments recognize the need to cut through the noise and deliver accurate, important messages to all segments of society. To achieve this, they are reimagining traditional communication methods and exploring new mediums to engage marginalized communities. By leveraging digital communications, governments aim to foster richer community connections, ensure inclusivity, and facilitate meaningful engagement with diverse populations.

Trend 10: Reimagining social care: Recasting the social safety net

The pandemic has placed immense pressure on social care systems, prompting governments to reassess their approaches to providing equitable, seamless, and effective social care services. Social care leaders are embracing new strategies to enhance support systems. This includes integrating data from multiple sources to develop early interventions, adopting a human-centered mindset to design and deliver programs, and offering holistic “wraparound” support to help recipients swiftly regain stability. Additionally, governments are investing in building individual and community resilience to create a more robust social safety net. By reimagining social care, governments strive to address the unique needs of diverse populations, uplift disadvantaged communities, and ensure a more inclusive and supportive society.

In conclusion, the post-pandemic world has propelled governments to adopt transformative measures to address the challenges and uncertainties of the new era. The ten government trends of 2023 represent a collective response aimed at building resilience, achieving greater integration and inclusivity, and preparing for the future. By prioritizing climate resilience, enhancing supply chain stability, and empowering the labor force, governments are actively working towards safeguarding their nations against future disruptions and ensuring sustainable growth.

Furthermore, the emphasis on connectedness highlights the need for governments to break down silos, foster collaboration, and leverage data-driven approaches. By acting as catalysts for innovation ecosystems and establishing global public health partnerships, governments are embracing a more holistic and interconnected approach to problem-solving. Additionally, they are focusing on providing equitable digital access, engaging marginalized communities through effective communication, and reimagining social care to uplift disadvantaged populations. Through these trends, governments strive to create a post-pandemic world that is more resilient, inclusive, and responsive to the needs of all citizens.

In summary, the identified government trends for 2023 signify a shift toward proactive and forward-thinking governance. Governments are adapting their policies and strategies to navigate the challenges brought forth by the pandemic and build a better future for their nations. By embracing resilience, integration, and inclusivity, governments can foster stronger economies, address societal issues more effectively, and ensure a more equitable and connected society. The path toward a post-pandemic world requires collaboration, innovation, and a steadfast commitment to meeting the evolving needs of citizens.