From Clicks to Conversations: How Online Retailers are Revolutionizing Customer Experience

In August 1994, a pivotal moment occurred in e-commerce as the first-ever online transaction took place. This transaction involved the sale of a Sting CD from one individual to a friend on the platform NetMarket. In the ensuing 25 years, e-commerce has evolved into a fundamental component of the global economy, giving rise to industry giants like Amazon and Alibaba. As we enter the third decade of the 21st century, e-commerce is again undergoing significant transformation, driven by conversational messaging.

The statistics are compelling: 4 out of 5 consumers now engage in shopping activities through their mobile devices, and a substantial 87% of smartphone users are active on messaging applications such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and WeChat. Retailers have been quick to recognize this shift and its implications. Embracing the concept of omnichannel retailing, where businesses establish a presence where their customers naturally congregate, e-commerce enterprises are now laying the foundations for robust conversational messaging strategies. These strategies are designed to continually enhance the customer experience.

It’s worth delving into how conversational messaging is reshaping the landscape of e-commerce and elevating the customer journey. Consequently, businesses across various sectors should pay close attention to this transformation.

Transitioning from E-Commerce to C-Commerce

The evolution from e-commerce to conversational commerce (c-commerce) does not imply a complete replacement of the former by the latter; instead, e-commerce will likely continue to cater to more intricate transactions. The trajectory of this shift is evident, with a significant 83% of consumers indicating their use of messaging platforms to interact with businesses for product inquiries. Notably, when engaging in such interactions, 75% of these customers conclude their conversations with a purchase. This shift aligns with the overarching trend of consumers favoring mobile devices over traditional desktops and laptops. Capitalizing on this trend, platforms like WhatsApp, Google Business Messenger, Facebook Messenger, and WeChat have integrated purchasing capabilities within their applications.

Facebook’s exploration revealed that 65% of shoppers are inclined to make purchases from businesses they can directly message. Furthermore, an encouraging 40% of shoppers initiated their buying journeys due to the influence of conversational commerce. These statistics strongly suggest that these figures are poised for growth, leaving little room to doubt the ongoing escalation of the c-commerce phenomenon.

Enabling persistent Experience through Messaging

Modern customers demand the flexibility to seek assistance through their preferred communication channels. They desire a seamless transition between tracks without the hassle of repeating their queries. To cater to this need, businesses must maintain consistent communication with customers across various platforms, ensuring a unified view of the customer’s interactions. Messaging emerges as a solution that offers several advantages over traditional chat methods.


The paradigm of commerce is shifting towards “C-commerce,” where messaging platforms serve as hubs for product upselling, service attachments, and effortless checkouts. Unlike being tethered to a phone call or waiting for live chat responses, customers can engage in messaging at their convenience, freeing them from time constraints.


Messaging facilitates a departure from one-off interactions, embracing asynchronous and continuous communication. This enables “always-on” conversations, allowing businesses to maintain an ongoing dialogue with customers, and enhancing engagement and responsiveness.


Messaging’s hallmark is its swift and concise nature, enabling direct communication without the need for prolonged wait times. Customers receive prompt responses, leading to efficient issue resolution and enhanced customer satisfaction.

Exemplary Cases:

One prominent example, Pizza Hut, illustrates the effectiveness of messaging in achieving a unified omnichannel experience.

Pizza Hut:

Pizza Hut leverages messaging to revolutionize the ordering process. Customers can place pizza orders via various social media platforms, proprietary apps, and web chat. This multi-channel approach eliminates waiting times and minimizes the risk of order inaccuracies, providing hungry customers with a hassle-free experience.

Transforming Customer Engagement: Enriching, Interactive, and Modern Messaging Experience

In the realm of customer engagement, messaging stands out as a versatile and contemporary communication channel. What truly sets messaging apart is its ability to empower customers to accomplish more directly within the conversation. This sense of agency not only enhances customer satisfaction but also opens up new avenues for businesses to thrive. By employing tools like compound messages, carousels, and diverse purchasing options, companies can leverage messaging to offer personalized recommendations and even facilitate transactions seamlessly.

The outcome is a streamlined purchasing process that minimizes unnecessary steps. To illustrate, numerous online retailers have embraced innovative apps that allow customers to engage in real-time conversations with fashion stylists, culminating in a seamless transaction. Leveraging the potential of messaging, these stylists can effortlessly share image carousels featuring a variety of clothing choices. This empowers customers to curate and purchase outfits interactively, all within the confines of the conversation. This symbiotic blend of communication and commerce exemplifies the potential of modern messaging platforms to revolutionize customer experiences and drive business growth.

The Role of Bots and AI in Enhancing E-commerce Self-Service

In the realm of e-commerce, the integration of bots and AI has led to a remarkable transformation in customer service. Messaging apps have evolved into personalized customer assistants, leveraging technologies such as chatbots, machine learning, and mobile messaging. Gartner’s projection of 70% customer interactions involving these emerging tools by 2022 underscores their significance. Notably, consumers are increasingly comfortable making purchases through chatbots, and the widespread adoption of voice assistants further accentuates this trend. These AI-driven virtual assistants possess a wealth of customer data, enabling them to engage in a remarkably human-like manner by drawing on purchase history, preferences, and more.

Illustrating the Potential: E-commerce and Virtual Assistants

Sephora, a prominent makeup company, exemplifies the synergy between AI and e-commerce. Through the fusion of Google Home and its Virtual Artist app, customers can virtually test products. This concept extends to Amazon’s Alexa for grocery orders, Starbucks’ voice-command app for coffee purchases, and H&M’s Kik bot for buying clothing. H&M’s Kik bot stands out by comprehending customer intent. When a customer inquires about a specific garment, the bot not only retrieves purchase history but also directs them to a human stylist. This level of personalized assistance is further complemented by marketing initiatives, where targeted campaigns can be tailored based on customer preferences and history.

Shifting Paradigm: From Reactive to Proactive Support through Messaging

Nearly 25% of companies already recognize proactive support as a valuable aspect of customer engagement. This trend is set to surge as 85% of customers express interest in receiving proactive communications, while 90% of businesses are open to transacting with companies that provide event-based reminders. To foster engagement and loyalty, businesses are embracing the concept of anticipating and addressing customer issues preemptively. Proactive messaging plays a pivotal role in this transformation, ensuring customers remain informed throughout their purchase journey. Examples include Amazon’s order status notifications and marketing teams introducing new products based on individual customer preferences.